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Uniform Purchases:

To make purchases of new uniform items embroidered with the school logo, please visit the following online store:

Coniston Uniform Store

Standard Uniform:

  • School sweatshirt or cardigan
  • White or pale blue polo shirt
  • Grey or black school trousers or skirt/pinafore dress, which should be close to the knee or at least arm length.
  • Black sensible shoes: Please provide shoes without brightly coloured labels etc.
  • Fashion boots should not be worn in school.
  • PE: Grey or black shorts (Standard school design: mid-thigh or cycling shorts)

Summer Uniform:

  • White or pale blue polo shirt
  • Grey or black shorts (Standard school design: mid-thigh or cycling shorts)
  • Blue and white gingham dress
  • School shoes or sensible sandals. (Not fashion sandals or flip-flops)
  • Plain hairbands or hair bobble. (No bright colours or designs)

PE Kit 

(pupils wear this PE kit for the whole day on class PE days or if they have a school sports club)

  • Plain white t-shirt
  • Dark blue or black shorts – not lycra/tight-fitting or very short, no skorts 
  • Dark blue or black tracksuit
  • Plain black trainers

No designer logos.

Nursery Uniform

Children can wear practical clothes with suitable fastenings; school sweatshirts are optional.

Reception Uniform

Children are expected to wear school uniform but can wear loose trousers and easy to fasten school shoes.

General Information

A royal blue jumper or cardigan is an acceptable alternative to the school sweatshirt.

School sweatshirts, cardigans, bookbags and PE bags are available from the school office all year:

  • Cardigans £10.00 each
  • Sweatshirts £9.00 each
  • Bookbags £4.50 each
  • PE Bags £4.00 each

Pre-Loved Uniform Swap - FREE

The school office will gratefully accept donations of uniform items which are in good condition but which your child has grown out of. 

We strongly encourage recycling of school uniform items from a sustainability standpoint and to help families to keep costs of uniform down, and have a well-established uniform swap scheme.  If you require any item of uniform, please contact the school office by email, stating the items you require and the size.  Please put your child's name and class in the email too, so that we can get the items to them.  This scheme is free, but a financial donation for items received is optional. Many items are hardly worn. Do ask - if we have items in stock, we are delighted to pass them on.

Occasionally, our wonderful, enthusiastic parent volunteers hold uniform swap/collection events after school. Look out for Parentmails about this.