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School offers lots of clubs throughout the year at lunchtimes and after school. They include tag rugby, cross-country, football, judo, dance, choir, French, Lego, den-building, board games, gardening, polytunnel pottering, art in the woods, TTRS, Maths in the Dark, reading and yoga clubs. Teaching staff and outside providers run the clubs which are always lots of fun!


Singing brings joy, community spirit, a sense of connection, and is uplifting, making it fantastic for your wellbeing. We are a singing school – we love to sing at Heron Hill! Our choir is an integral part of the way we celebrate music.

Heron Hill Choir meets every week on a Wednesday evening from 3.15-4.15pm. We welcome anybody from Year 3 to Year 6 who has an interest in singing to join us and have lots of fun, and several opportunities to perform to an audience over the course of a year.

Our next performance will be at our 50th Anniversary celebrations on 5th July. There are 3 songs that the children will need to know BY HEART please. You can find the links to these below - please practise at home! There are also copies of the lyrics below that can be printed out if needed.

This is our School (Whole-School song):

We're So Proud of our School (Choir song):

Our Time to Shine (Choir song):

We look forward to sharing our celebrations with you!

Pam Lawson and Alex Hildrew